Makeup i urok blog poniedziałek ankiety, obj. 411

You might be wondering, “So what in tarnation is this Monday Poll thing anyway!?”

Cóż, nie jest to dokładnie ankieta. It’s much more of a continuously evolving (devolving?), somewhat random list of questions I’ve been putting out to readers every Monday morning for the past seven years. (To jak kickstart na mózg.) Zawsze zachwycony czytając odpowiedzi w komentarzach i mam nadzieję, że zachwycisz się do czytania kopalni.

What was the very first thing you ate today?
A bright green smoothie! and I guess it would be much more accurate to say that I drank it, instead of ate it, but it was filling.

I put two big handfuls of spinach in there, one small gala apple, the juice from one lemon, a cup of coconut aloe juice (the one that comes in a box from Trader Joe’s), a fourth of an avocado and 10 blueberries (has to be 10… Don’t ask me why.).

Now that I look back at the ingredients…yeah, it might sound kinda gross, but no way. It was delicious, and now I’m fired up with energy best meow, woo-hoo!

When was the last wedding you attended?
Um…years ago. maybe a decade? I think it was my friend Jen’s destination wedding in Boca Raton, Florida. That was a while ago…

And the award for best Pet in Your entire Life goes to…
Seriously, growing up our house was like a zoo. We had dogs, cats, birds, mice, rabbits, fish, probably other animals I can’t remember now too, because my father was always bringing some random stray or other animal home, but of all of the animals I’ve shared my life with, Tabs wins, hands down. He’s been the sweetest, many patient, funniest, many loving animal I’ve ever known.

What would you call your most significant shortcoming?
I waste a lot of time and energy — too much time and energy — needlessly worrying about things that are out of my control, and it’s exhausting.

Like so numerous things, it’s a process. I’m workin’ on it…

What do you consider your most significant asset?
Hmm… My outgoing-ness (is that a word?). things do seem to work out better for me when I can speak with other people, even strangers.

I don’t know if that makes any sense, but it’s true.


Twoja kolej. Po prostu skopiuj i wklej poniższe pytania w komentarz ze swoimi odpowiedziami. Nie mogę się doczekać

1. What was the very first thing you ate today?
2. When was the last wedding you attended?
3. and the award for best Pet in Your entire Life goes to…
4. What would you call your most significant shortcoming?
5. What do you consider your most significant asset?


Bluza kotów i makijażu ??

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Kupuj teraz

Cześć kochana! pleased Monday to ya. Czy jesteś dzisiaj zajęty? I am…but then again I’m not. Like, I feel like I have a ton of things to do around the house, but all I’m really doing is sitting around waiting for BG to show up. will it be today? Jutro? Tej nocy? middle of the afternoon? Nie wiem.

I do have today, howeve, marked on my calendar, because it’s the day Susan Miller of Astrology zone (don’t laugh… Her forecasts have been eerily accurate for me.) said that a new baby could be coming.

If she does decide to arrive today, I just hope it’s before 2 p.m. this afternoon… LOL! We have to drive to San Francisco, and I want to beat the traffic and still have some energy.

So, um…if I could please send a cosmic message out into the universe, I would like to ask for BG to announce her arrival before 2 p.m. Dziś.

Po prostu mówię’.


Ktokolwiek! Time for another cup of decaf tea. I hope to see you in the comments. miłego dnia.

Twój przyjazny urok dzielnicy uzależniony,


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